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Two skins of [[underlined]] Megascops asio saturnatus [[/underlined]] Brewst., from Oregon. ([[underlined]] Purchased.[[/underlined]])

From [[underlined]] Geo. B. Winton [[/underlined]], San Louis Potosi, Mexico, Four specimens (same number of species), in the flesh, from San Louis Potosi. ([[underlined]]Gift.[[/underlined]])

From [[underlined]] Erich Wittkugel,[[/underlined]] San Pedro Sula, Honduras. - 194 specimens (86 species) from the interior of Honduras. ([[underlined]] Purchased [[/underlined]]).

III. [[underlined]] Statement of character of routine work in arrangement and classification of the collections, and in the preparation of the exhibition and study series. [[/underlined]]

A considerable part of what might be included under the above heading has