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more or less injury, but constant vigilance has kept them free from material damage. A considerable part of the duplicate collection, kept in ordinary open drawers (for want of better), have been to some extent injured by insects.

The number of specimens contained in the collection at the end of June, 1891, is, approximately as follows:

[[table, five columns]]
             | 1889-'90 | 1890-'91 | Increase | Decrease.
Study Series.| 46543    | 49995*   | 3452     |  --
Exhibition series. | 7133 | 7403+  |  270     |  --
Duplicate series   | 6543 | 5408+  |  --      | 1135++ 

* Number estimated.
+ Number ascertained by actual count.
++ 161 duplicates distributed, the remainder put back into reserve series.