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prefers we take Sioux. I send our Navajoe girl to her tribe to help work up the party but shall be unable to know if they will come for a month. The Pueblos would be glad to add twenty to their delegation now here.

If you find the station on the Chicago & North Western at Long Pine the most practicable that route will take you in near the Omahas & would it not be advisable to concentrate the parties at some point and bring them east together. If some teacher missionary or other suitable party able to assist you wanted to come east, I will cover in the expense and you may arrange, or I will come or send some one from here. You can fix the time of coming east, but preferably about Sept. 1/st Take all the lattitude about this you think necessary.

I place your name on our employee list at $50. per month which is a mere pittance but the best I can do.

Thirty-eight Ind/a Ly. children mostly Cheyenne Kiowas Arapahoes + Comanches start home the 1/st

All the desirable ones are to return after six or seven weeks at home.

Transcription Notes:
add a comma after arrange