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[[preprinted]] United States Indian Service,
Training School for Indian Youth,
Carlisle Barracks
Carlisle, Pa. [[/preprinted]] [[underlined]] August 7 [[/underlined]] [[preprinted]] 188 [[/preprinted]] 2.

Miss Alice C Fletcher
c/o U.S. Indian Agent.
Winnebago Agency, Nebraska,

Dear Madam:
I inclose to you two checks for $150 - each, $300-in all, to cover incidental expenses for your party coming East. You will necessarily be compelled to arrange for meals through unless the agent or school people there could help you with lunch which seems to me impracticable. By getting the conductors to telegraph ahead you can generally get lower rates for meals for such parties.
Orders have gone to Gen. Andrews to turn over the Sitting Bull children to you, but if you are unable to get them to join your party at Sioux City, I can attend to them when I go west in September.
Sioux City will be your starting point. The agency is so close that it seems to me that the Indians might