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Ans [[underline]] Nov. 14 [[/underline]]

Bloomfield, N. J., Oct 16,1883

Miss A. C. Fletcher,}
Winnebago Agy, Neb.}

Dear Madam:

I am greatly obliged to you for the [[underline]] Sun Dance [[/underline]] abstract that you kindly sent & also for your letter just rec'd. I shall prize my reply any of your papers that you can allow me copies of.

One little point in Pawnee=Omaha history I am
anxious to solve + no doubt you can aid me: For
several generations the Omahas, Poncas & Crows 
hired somewhat subject to Pawnee rule. The early notions of his Pawnees frequently speak of Parci=mahas. Almost all such natives also omit  separate mention of the Omahas. Does not this indicate that in ^[[insert]]those[/insert]] early days the dependence of the Omahas upon a Pawnee protectorate was so [[?]] as to partially obscure their tribal identity?

A few years since then were published one or two
little pamphlets in the Omaha [[?]] in connection with the Omaha Mission  Would it be possible for you to secure copies of these for me? If however, you