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to write them encouraging letters, tending, as I feel assured they will, to help in the development of manly self dependence and just pride in their individual manhood and courageous hearts, which will sustain them amidst the storms of temptation and troublous grievances --

Weak-kneedism does not seem to enter into their natures to nearly so large an extent as is apt to be the case with most young Indians starting off in the white man's ways. I am glad that you are still able to work among the people and trust that you may have fully recovered from your affliction. Mrs B. joins me in best wishes and kind regards.
I am yours sincerely

[[signature]] LeRoy Brown [[/signature]]
U.S. Army Comdt

Have not heard from you in regard to Julia St Cyr yet. Any change in the present status of Noah and Philip after this voluntarily [[right margin]]assuming their present duties would be extremely pernicious unsettling them and the other boys. B-- [[/right margin]]

Transcription Notes:
The crossed out part under Leroy Brown may be: U.S. Army Comdt. That's signature flourish, I believe..AW Previously his name was typed Geo. LeRoy Brown...?