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Dear Miss Fletcher

We were glad to hear yesterday by your letter of 14th inst of your convalescence, and hope that it may go on to Completeness and that you may soon be able to meet your wishes for your work.

I was at Middleton at our Annual Meeting today — Dr. Shaw asked about you. Our Trustees were grieved to find Dr. S. poorly and overworked and have advised his taking a Vacation and going to Florida for a few 

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weeks or months — the trouble is Oxaluria and demands Early Cessation from Care. His Report was an able one, which I will try to remember to send you after the Legislature is in Session. 

I had put down on the coming January list a sum to aid in the building operations of Dr. J. in Alaska, and would like to know more of your views of the lack of good management to which your letter refers — There are so many good things to do with the little under my hand to dispose of, that I shall have no difficulty

Transcription Notes:
oxaluria - The presence of oxalic acid or oxalates in the urine.