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Omaha Mission, Neb. May 18th, 1885

My dear Miss Fletcher, 

Your letter of 8th inst. received last Wednesday, but owing  to heavy rains, etc etc, I have not been able to get the measurements of Mud Lodge until today. I found the Lodge in a very bad condition; the roof and sides caved in in several places. The Indians said I was "brave" to crawl up on the roof "but I wasn't afraid a bit, indeed I wasn't," although it was at some risk of my personal appearance. I got John Pilcher to go with me, but he was somewhat hurried, or I could have given you more careful and extensive measurements. The thickness of the wall could not be accurately determined, so I gave you the thickness when it was built, as nearly as I could get it from the Firechief. (Well, Miss Fletcher, it is pretty hard to write letters and talk to Indians at the same time, but I will do the best I can.} The diameter North & South lacked a little of 40 ft, but I think it was intended to have the Lodge circular. I trust I have given you all the information desired. Please remember Mr. Pilcher's kindness in assisting me, by sending him a copy of your paper when it is published. Fire Chief also asked for a copy. I am too busy to write more. Please excuse such extreme haste. We are all well, I believe, children as well as older ones. Very truly, yours, John T. Copley.

[[written sideways at top of page]]

I would say that we have secured the right to occupy the N.E. 1/4 of N.W. 1/4 of Sec. 12, T. 24, R 9.- the East half of the vacant 80 A in Sec. 12- And we are now building. We expect to be settled in our new "home" by the First of Sept. We are less than a half-mile north - due north - of Battierre's Mud Lodge. up on the hill - near the top, and sloping to the East. It is a very good location & very central. I trust we shall find it all we expect.