Viewing page 160 of 179

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[[double line]]

Chattel Mortgage

[[double line]]

[[single dotted line]]

[[single dotted line]]
[[double line]]
[[bracketed SS.]]
STATE OF ...............
  County of.............  
[[/bracketed SS.]]

I ......................
a Notary Public within and for said
county, herebY certify that the forgoing is a true copy of a note and chattel mortgage executed between the within named parties.

Witness my hand and Notarial seal 

this ...................

day of ......188........

[[dotted line]]   
Notary Public
[[double line]]
[[bracketed SS.]]
STATE OF ...............
  County of............. 
[[/bracketed SS.]]

Filed in the ...........

office of said county of 
188..., at......o'clock....M........

[[dotted line]]
County Clerk.

[[dotted line]]

[[double line]]
