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last summer.  She told me her father came out a young man I think with Mr. S. went back & married & returned .  I think Mr. Gray was a general helper.  he helped build that old mill. perhaps shaped that old stone he found - the book of Sages. he made I am not clear [[true?]] again. I think they had laws - oral or written I have the remains of a green little book yellow backed pamphlet the bits I can put together seem to be more of a directory for [[worship?]] private & public. the creed. the Ten Commandments & I think Mr Spaulding wrote it.

Ellis the Nez Perce by who with me or ten others from neighboring tribes was taken & educated some where they are not clear where. perhaps British Columbia America returned (will find out when) after Spaulding came.) I  think he lives [[underlined]] yet [[/underlined]] in the hearts of his people. he made a noble effort to elevate his people had some laws. but they people worried & stung him so he left in despair went to buffalo country (Min.) & died there of Smallpox. Soloman, [[?]] & such men are [[?]] [[goting?]] Ellis. his [[?}} child is Mrs Jeoshafat of [[Meadin?]] Creek.

Some time after Mrs Spaulding came a Missionary think his wife named Smith took their Station at [[Ka?]] but could not stop such Chiefs as Skeootem & follwers ate up all they could raise - the Chiefs [[underlined]] ordered [[/underlined]]