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MILWAUKEE, WIS., [[underline]] ^[[May 9]] 189^[[1]]. [[/preprinted]]

My dear Miss Fletcher:
Yours of last Sunday just at hand. I am delighted that you were satisfied with my article. I think it an improvement on the first one, in every respect. I purposely omitted all discussion of the points you mention. They were thrown entirely into the background by my Washington experience and I haven't found my bearings yet. -- I am more gratified than I can tell you by your approval of my first book. The "Lessons in [[?]] Hist." is necessarily more sketchy, because it covers more ground, - vastly more. But I hope you will like what I hear said of Wagner and Liszt.

I got a letter from our friend Francis the other day. He will be here the first of July instead of the last of August. I shall try to be ready for him.

I am gradually familiarizing myself