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merely to advertise [[underlined]] me [[/underlined]] here at home.  I feel sure it has done no harm and I don't intend to do anything more.  Krackowizer, Editor of "Kunstlerheim" is very much pleased with your approval of his sketch.  He has a scheme which he thinks will excite interest in the work about the time the Century articles are published.  I told him to put it in writing & I would send it to you.  [[underlined]] Nothing whatever [[/underlined]] will be done without your entire approval.  I have all the songs [[underlined]] safe [[/underlined]], so please do not be anxious.

I beg of you not to overwork & break down.  Your life and health are too valuable to be wasted.  And I am too much interested in you personally not to be anxious, after what you wrote and what I myself saw.  I hope you can make a better report next time. - The article in "Kunstlerheim" had nothing to do with the Indian music.  That will come later & I will translate it for you. - My regards to Miss Gay.

With best wishes
Yours cordially
J.C. Fillmore