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have got some ideas that you were to bring out.  Let F. work the phonograph for all it is worth & you stick to the art & all will be well.  As to the earth-lodge, next year will be time for that & the other habitations.  It will be well for us to make preliminary arrangements if you have the chance & then next year have the poles be sent to C. & get [[strikeout]] one [[/strikeout] a [[strikeout]] family of [[/strikeout]] Indians to go there & put up the several structures.
I shall want a [[underlined]] family [[/underlined]] there during the fair to live in the lodge and carry on their life in all its details as near to former times as possible.  So far as possible I wish for full size habitations of every kind & families in them, with all their fixings.  The Indian Dept. is to do something of this kind so keep quiet as to our work for I think the Dept. will show the Indians as they [[underline]] are [[/underline]] I wish as far as possible to show them as they were 400 years ago.-

In your letter of June 22 you mention the 

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map drawn by an Nez Perce.  If you can do so without [[underlined]] overworking [[/underlined I think it [[underlined]] would [[/underlined]] be a good thing to send it to me with your account to remain at the AAAS meeting.  My address in Washington on and after Aug 10, will be the [[underlined]] Arlington [[/underlined]].  The meeting begins on the 19th.  I shall want this map for the World's fair & of course we must have it for the Museum.  I shall look to you to get up an interesting exhibit for the Fair showing your work.  Of course things in the Museum can go on so far as it will be safe.  You shall be the judge of this.

Now I take up your last letter July 13, as to the hut house and bark house of the Winnebagos.  We must have both and of [[underlined]] full [[/underlined]] size if it can be done.  These can be arranged for so as to be set up by a Winnebago & I shall want a family to live in each during the fair.  So expenses will be paid &c.  This we must arrange for in same manner as the Nez Perce & Omaha habitations - also about the skin tent.  You have just the ideas, only add the 

Transcription Notes:
C. = Chicago