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every day - that [[underline]]God[[/underline]] would guide you in your work, and help & defend you - you have so much to bear - from those who oppose the advance & good of the Indians - But One who [[strikethrough]] are [[/strikethrough]] is on our side is [[underlined]] stronger [[/underlined]] than all who are against His work. May He keep you & Miss Gay very near Himself, and comfort you.

I know you must be suffering with the cold too there cold nights & mornings in a tent.

I hope you will soon be able to get under a roof at Kamiah.

Dear - perhaps if you would put your stove in my living room there -- running the stove pipe up the chimney as I did - you could be more comfortable than in the school room which is not furnished - But, you will know what is best: only, make yourselves as comfortable as is possible - for the sake of your own health, and the work among the Nez Perces.  Come to see me as soon & often as you can - & write to me, both of you as often as you can - God bless you both,
S.L. McBeth