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MILWAUKEE, WIS., ^[[OCT 25]] 189^[[1]].  [[/preprinted]]

My dear Miss Fletcher:
I am as anxious for you to get through as you are yourself.  I want you here to talk over my Report and the Indian Music generally.  I have been encouraged by my experience and by my talk with Francis to think that I might gain the confidence of the Indians, through my connection with you and with him, and be able to do a work for which I now have special and extraordinary preparation.  There are plenty of teachers who can do the work I am doing here; but I know of nobody else who has had [[underlined]] all [[/underlined]] the training necessary for the Indian work to such an extent as I have had.  And a good deal of it must be done [[underlined]] soon [[/underlined]] or not at all.  so I can't help hoping that Harvard can find a way to utilize me