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An Illustrated Magazine.
$3.00 Per Year. Single Numbers 30ยข
[[image - drawing of a child with wings playing a violin, surrounded by flowers]]
W.S.B. Mathews,
Chicago, ^[[May 5, 1893]] 189[[blank line]]


1.  Outlines of Musical Form. 1867. Ditson.
2.  Emerson Organ Method.  With L. O. Emerson.  1870.  Ditson.
3.  Mason's Pianoforte Technics.  With Dr. Wm. Mason.  1876.  Ditson.
4.  How to Understand Music, Vol I.  1880.  Presser.
5.  Studies in Phrasing, Interpretation, etc. 3rd Grade.  1883.  Presser.
6.  How to Understand Music, Vol II. 1888.  Presser.
7.  Dictionary of Music and Musicians.  Reprinted from No. 4.  Presser.
8.  Studies in Phrasing, Book II, 4th and 5th Grades.  1889.  Presser.
9.  First Lessons in Phrasing, 2nd Grade.  1890.  Presser.
10.  Twenty Lessons to a Beginner.  (Inductive.)  1890.  Presser.
11.  Primer of Musical Forms.  1890.  Schmidt.
12.  100 Years of Music in America.  1889.  G. L. Howe.
13.  Popular History of Music. (Illustrated.)  1889.  Matthews.
14.  Graded Course of Piano Study, in Ten Grades.  1891.  Presser.

^[[ Music as found in Certain [[N.A.?]] Indian Tribes]]

Miss A. C. Fletcher:

Dear Madame:

I take the liberty, in behalf of the World's Fair Auxiliary, y to invite you to give a paper on the Music of the Indians, in connection with the Congresses, which take place July 2 to 8. It is my idea to have a session devoted to this subject, and your paper, with one by Fillmore on the more purely scientific relations, and perhaps one by Krehbiel of the New York Tribune, on Indian Liturgies, which he seems to have picked up from the New York indians, will be the pieces de resistance.

I am not sure whether we shall have this session included in the work of the National Association of Music Teachers, or as an independent meeting of the Congresses-- in short a congress by itself.  Probabyl the latter.

Please send me the exact title of the paper you will make, and in order to save time make reply direct to me at address above. I am chairman of the programme committee of the Musical Congresses.

Very Respectfully,
[[signed] W.S.B. Mathews [[/signed]]

I took tea at Mr. Watson Gilder's home some time ago,and tried to find out about how long it would be before he would get around to the paper on Indian music, and also to make a point for Fillmore. But I did not find out much. I suppose it is really a very embarrassing question from month to month what to use. Even with my limited resources I find this true.