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[[three newspaper clippings]]

medal, both of which had been deposited in the archives of the city of Bologna, subject to his order. He at once commenced negotiations with the proper authorities through the state department at Washington, the result being

[[image - line drawing of two women and two angels on a balcony overlooking a city, includes text in Italian, "ESPOSIZIONE INTERNAZIONALE DI MUSICA IN BOLOGNA MEI 1888." captioned "PROF. FILLMORE'S DIPLOMA"]]

that these valuable testimonials arrived safely in Milwaukee through yesterday's mails. The medal is of bronze, being about two inches in diameter, and something over an eighth of an inch in thickness. On the front side is a raised head, the inscription around the margin being: "Esposizione in Bologna, 1888. S, A. R. Il Principe Di Napoli Pres. Onor." The reverse side is encircled by a wreath of laurels, but is without inscription. The diploma, a rather imposing document, bears witness in the usual terms to the success in competition of Senor Prof. John C. Fillmore. The whole is a very fitting tribute to a very deserving gentleman, and an additional honor to Milwaukee as an artistic center.

[[image - line drawing of a medal, circular with bust of man facing page left in center, text around outer edge: "ESPOSIZIONE IN BOLOGNA 1888 S.A.R. IL PRINCIPE DI NAPOLI PRES. ONOR*, captioned "THE MEDAL."]]

to the art. To this Prof. J. C. Fillmore sent his celebrated treatise on "The History of Pinaforte Music," published in 1883, and his no less interesting and instructive "Lessons in Musical History," published three years later. Late last fall the professor was both pleased and gratified to receive notification that he had been awarded a diploma and

Prof. J. C. Fillmore Honored in Italy.
The Well-Known Professor of Music Receives a Medal and Diploma at the Exposition at Bologna.
In the year 1888, a grand International Exposition of Music was held at Bologna, Italy, to which musicians of all countries were invited to send original compositions or works pertaining