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^[[May 18]]

Milwaukee, Wis., ^[[May 3d]] 189^[[4]].

My dear Miss Fletcher:

At last it is settled that I am to report in Philadelphia on Sat., June 30th.  Would it be convenient for me to spend two or three days with you in Washington prior to that date?  Or would you prefer to receive me after our Summer School is over?  Please let me know.  I know you want to see me.

I am worked down & worried down or played out, just now, I have no phonograph & the work does not go on.  I have just moved my school quarters and am in the suds.  It is all very depressing.  I shall have hard work in Phila., in the heat.  But I [[underlined]] must [[/underlined]] earn money.  When I get these cylinders off my hands, if I ever do, I am going to drop science & attend to my own business, which has been sadly neglected.  I can't afford to neglect it any longer.

Greetings to Miss Gay & Francis.

Yours as ever
J.C. Fillmore 

Transcription Notes:
"in the suds" - means mildly intoxicated