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perhaps he knows; I'll be hanged if I do.

I have just sent off another batch of transcriptions to Dr Boas. I have now conquered 22 out of the 120 cylinders he turned over to me and the work is getting tolerably easy. I have got the hang of it now and I don't think there will be any further delay^[[s]] except what are caused by the limitations of my time and strength. I have overcome all the principal difficulties, I feel sure. It has been a fearful job; one I wouldn't have tackled for money, merely. But when this job is over, I am going to try to do some justice to my family. Unless somebody is raised up to pay for my scientific work, it can go undone, for all me. When it comes to sacrificing my family on the altar of science, I feel like the Dutchman who was asked to subscribe for a lightning-rod for the new church. "No", said he; "I haf helped build a house for de Lordt, now if He wants to go dunder on it and knock it down, He must do it at his own rishk". If the Lord wants me to do this work, He will have to provide the way. If He doesn't, it is no job of mine.

I should be glad to have your new man write to me, and I promise you to be as civil as my constitution will permit. I will send you the abstract of Stumpf as soon as it comes out. I know of now German criticisms yet. I am glad you said your say to Pres't Gilman; it is a point gained; although Johns Hopkins has no money available for our purposes. I am sorry I can't be with you down there; but "Wie Gott will; Ich sei still". I think you will hear from Brickner yet; he may be slow; but he is trustworthy and he promised to do all he could in this matter. 

Regards to Miss Gay and to Francis. All send you both greeting
Yours as ever,