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[[?]] Gods for long life and a special blessing is asked for those whose names are about to be changed ^names are then changed. When that is done [[strikethrough]] ax [[/strikethrough]] an exclamation of Ho-re-ey is made by the Priest to show that it is an ending and which is similar to Amen for white people.

The Skee dees do not give the clouds, lightnings, and thundering, nor do they give the the swallows-

I will try and get the Skee-dees. Our Priest at the present time is sick or I should have seen him before I wrote. I saw one of our Skee dees and he gave me a little of it but not much- The [[time?]] seems to be the [[Issue?]]-

[[marginalia, at left indicating following section]]

As to the lodge I will get that for you soon. There are ceremonies- songs are sung before they can go into timber. Man and woman must go together- When the Priest is through with singing and ceremony the people start for the timber in [[squds?]] for certain crowds must cut certain timbers.

I will write same day I get your letter do not send stamps I can get them myself. Tell Francis not to write for I know he is very busy, but when he has time- like for him to write me a line-

Write again soon I am Your Friend
James A. Murie