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C. J. SHAPARD, President.
G. M. BERRY, Vice-Prest.
S. B. BERRY, Cashier
^[[Feb [[20]]  [[underline]] ]]
CAPITAL, $50,000. 

Pawnee, Okla.,^[[Feby 12th 1900.]]

Miss Alice C. Fletcher:
My dear Friend, your letter came to me and as our friend is here I write – The lodge, belonging to the old man is about to break through and he says if you could send him $10.00 or $15.00 he could have it repaired; then he can have his dance as usual – This secret ceremony he has promised to let you see and write so it will be preserved – There would be other ceremonies about that time. As your stopping place. The town has many hotels and the old man's place is only 2 1/2 miles I may come to Washington in a week with some others, and I shall surely call on you and my friend [["Su sa-La-re-sah- mi"?]]. Mr. La Flesche – Send the money if you can spare it and I will try and help him myself –
Your Friend
James R. Murie