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[[preprinted]] C. J. SHAPARD, President.   G. M. BERRY, Vice-Prest.   S. B. BERRY, Cashier.

Capital $50,000.

Pawnee, Okla.,[[preprinted]]Sept.27th 1900

Miss Alice C. Fletcher,
     My Friend, yesterday I mailed you questions and answered them the best I could. Old man came in afterwards and told me more which are very interesting. Really the secret of the Pipe Stick you did not get for the life of the old man will be shorter if he should give the secret. Any how what I got from him again was this, Before entering the Lodge a song is sung where the two men with wings move the wings as an Eagle flapping its wings before it lights on its nest. Again the laying down of the sticks is done while the nest is suppose to be made; after rest is made the last night everything is in a rush for now paint and other sacred things are to be put on the child and Te-va-wa must see all these things put on so the child will have long life- so the laying down stick songs are left out. Te-va-wa made two corn prominent
the [[stirkethrough]] bl [[/strikethrough]] blue & the white. Te-va-was said to the blue corn you must not lead my people around for your color is like the Heavens. The white corn shall be know as [[underline]] Ah-te-va [[/underline]] and she shall lead my people where they hunt and she shall also be carried by warriors and in the Pipe ceremonies. She shall do all things and people will bless her and pray through her to me and I will hear their prayers