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[[image - corner of large building with people on the street below]]
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The Brown Palace Hotel
[[decorative flourished line]]
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Denver Sith Co.
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Denver, Colo., ______ Aug 25 190__

I should like to be permitted to urge you to take very good care of yourself.
The attendance upon this meeting promises to be small. We have expected that. I was pleased to learn that some 16 or 18 papers have been entered for Section H. Dr. Fewkes, Dr. McGurdy, Dr. Russell + myself are here really two days before the association begins. Prof. McGee is enroute + others are coming. By the way Dr. Russell has his wife with him.
I may say in reply to your inquiry that the only book I received was the one on Indian Music + Song which you kindly gave me in New York. I afterward sent you a copy of my paper on Indiana