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^[[ [[underlined]] Nov. 13. [[/underlined]] ]]

C. J. SHAPARD, President.
G.M. BERRY, Vice-Prest.
S.B. BERRY, Cashier.

CAPTIAL $50,000.

Pawnee, Okla., ^[[Nov. 8th 1901-]] 

Miss Fletcher,

Pipe dance is over. The Ha-ko ceremony gone through by old man- Went through the ritual changing man's name- changed about 60 names. Gave new names to children Indians enjoyed the ceremony - and the ritual- Old man brought out new songs and other ceremony new to me- Old man was afraid I would not come to see the ceremony and was I am told worried. Anyway I went and was given a good seat where I could have a good view of the ceremony. The ear of corn we had was in front decorated the Skee-dees examining found it the right kind- About Scout. I saw him and he is ready anytime if he is paid well. The ceremony can be gone through anytime for he has a way to perform so as to please the Gods-

Write to Mr. Shapard about my coming- Court is now in session- All my folks are well- and hope all you people at your house are well-

Your Friend
James R. Murie