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[[Printed Letterhead]]
Copele Consolidated Copper Co.,

New York, December 15, 1911

Miss Alice C. Fletcher,
214 - First St., S.E.,
Washington, D.C.

Dear Miss Fletcher:-
I have your letter of the 14th inst. for which I sincerely thank you.  I do ot believe you can realize how much I appreciate it. 

I know that the tying up of your money for so many years must have been a very great inconvenience to you as the same experience has been to many others, and it is those things that have weighed more heavily onmy mind than the ungracious, untruthful and malicious things that a good many people have said about me and about Mr. Logan and Professor Treadwell.  I have stuck to this enterprise and the others also because I couldn't help it.  I was born in New England and bred in the New England belief in honesty and honor and it wouldn't be possible for me to give up a thing like this if I thought it possible for me to save it, nor would it be possible for me to get out of it to my own benefit if it meant a loss to others.  I do not deserve any credit for my position in the matter, because "I was born that way"- As I say it is very gratifying to receive such a very kind letter as yours and I thank you not only for this expression of your good will, but for the friendly attitude you have maintained through all these years of weary waiting.  Ii believe that we are going to get the enterprise on its feet again and there is no one connected with it that will be so happy as I shall be when that day comes. 

Hoping that I shall some day have the pleasure of seeing you again, I am,

Yours gratefully, 
[[Best Guess]] D. Martin

[[Hand written]]
The certificate of stock to which your contribution entitles you will be [[best guess]] left[[best guess]] in the due [[best guess]] court [[best guess] of Mctiue several days [[best guess]]heuee [[best guess]].