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"Tomorrow!  O the glorious Tomorrow!"
The soul forever cries;
"Balm it will bring for every hurt and sorry
In the fair land that lies

Just yonder, hidden from our earthly vision,
But waiting, waiting there
With fullest compensations, joys elysian,
Nor blight of dole or care.

Today on shore and sea the tempest rages,
The wild winds never cease;
Tomorrow!--Ah! the thought of it assuages
The storm till all is peace;

And lo! a rainbow spans the misty highlands
And lights the forest gloom,
The foaming sea, the far-off, lonely islands,
With its celestial bloom."

No idle dream, but prophecy eternal,
This rapture of the soul--
This grand outreaching for the list supernal
Though whelming billows roll!

It doth not yet appear what worlds benigner
Within God's eons bide,
But O, forever, days will dawn diviner,
And we be satisfied!

^[[Edna Dean Proctor
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[Words for the central movement of Chopin's Funeral March]

Oh, the goal of the world is joy--
Joy divine that is born of love!
Sorrows are wings that safe convoy
The soul to its nobler realms above,
There are days that darken and die in gloom
Till the heart is heavy with grief and wrong,
Yet still in the shadow some rose will bloom,
And still through the wail there runs a song;
For loss and anguish are only the beat
Of the wild March rains that bring the sheaves,
And a wind of heaven will woo our feet
To the vales of peace in the harvest eves.

Never a star too late or dim
To hold its way with the central sun,
Nor a voice too faint to swell the hymn
By the Father's throne when the years are done--
The ages of God that are moulding fair
Each life for the glory that is to be,
Nor the woes of earth nor the powers of air
Can stay from the palms and the crystal sea!
For oh, the goal of the world is joy--
Joy divine that is born of love;
Sorrows are wings that safe convoy
The soul to its nobler realms above.
--Ladies' Home Journal.

[[underlined]] ^[[Edna Dean Proctor]] [[/underlined]]

Transcription Notes:
Name at bottom "Edna Dean Proctor" - see Page 9 of this project.