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THE PROCEEDINGS is the official organ of the Academy for the publication of brief accounts of important current researches of members of the Academy and of other American investigators, and for reports on the meetings and other activities of the Academy.  Publication in the Proceedings will supplement, not replace, that in journals devoted to the special branches of science. The Proceedings will aim especially to secure prompt publication of original announcements of discoveries and wide circulation of the results of American research among investigators in other countries and in all branches of science.

ARTICLES should be brief, not to exceed 2500 words or 6 printed pages. Technical details of the work and long tables should be reserved for publication in special journals.  But the authors should be precise in making clear the new results and should give some record of the methods and data upon which they are based. The viewpoint should be comprehensive in giving the relation of the paper to previous publications of the author or of others, and in exhibiting, where practicable, the significance of the work for other branches of science.

MANUSCRIPTS should be prepared with a current number of the Proceedings as a model in matters of form, and should be typewritten in duplicate with double spacing, the author retaining one copy. Illustrations should be confirmed to text-figures of simple character, though more elaborate illustrations may be allowed in special instances to authors willing to pay for their preparation and insertion. Particular attention should be given to arranging tabular matter in a simple and concise manner.

REFERENCES to persons should include initials; citations of literature, numbered consecutively, should be placed at the end of the article; and short footnotes should be avoided. Indicate 'subject' for 'Contents'.

PAPERS by members of the Academy may be sent to Edwin Bidell Wilson, Managing Editor, Mass. Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass. Papers by non-members should be submitted through some member.

PROOF will be sent to authors only on their request, in order to avoid delay in publication. Authors are therefore requested to make final revisions on the typewritten manuscripts. The editors cannot undertake to do more than correct minor errors.

REPRINTS should be ordered at the time of submission of manuscript. They will be furnished to authors cannot undertake to do more than correct obvious minor errors.

REPRINTS should be ordered at the time of submission of manuscript. They will be furnished to authors at cost, approximately as follows:
Reprints of   -       -   2 pp.     4pp.     6pp     8pp.      Covers estra
Charge for first 100 copies $1.00    $1.30   $2.20   $2.20      $2.00
Charge for additional 100s  .25     .45       .85      .85      .50


SUBSCRIPTIONS are the rate of $5.00 per annum should be made payable to the National Academy of Sciences, and sent to Arthur L. Day, Home Secretary, National Academy of Sciences, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.  Single numbers, $0.50.