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[[vertical text at left-side of card]] your Mss.  Thanks for the leter from Mrs. Cooke, Will return. ^[[JH]] [[/verticle text]]

"Aloha". R.F.D. 1. Hampton, Virginia 6 : 22 - 1915

Am sending to you this A.M. (for he may not be at home) the original copy of the first version of "ADita" (which was here in my Mss. box as I supposed; and of which I have just made copie
I want F. to have this first "original": (s. and as it does not contain the music; I am sending with it, a set of the parts, which have the airs, though not the full harmony and that the two make the complete copy.
This copy, plainly marked, as you will see, and the music, also plainly marked; lay together. What a lot would have been saved both you and me, if T. had only seen them.- Moral: Send no one to