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[[underlined]] I leave tomorrow for 139 West 45 St. New York. N.Y. [[/underlined]]

Pittsburg Pa. April 2./83

Rev. Wm. [[Harsher?]]

Dear Sir:

A year ago when on my way to Washington to secure their land to the Omahas I talked to you of the people and their needs. Now that their land is their own and [[strikethrough]] already [[/strikethrough]] I have secured industrial training for 36, & the promise of 9 more, at the School of Carlisle & Hampton, I come once more to ask your help for the Tribe.

They are on the Eve of a new life, soon their farms will be staked out, & the beautiful lands along the Logan opened up & the foundations of new homes be laid. The future wherein they must prosper or perish is at hand, and, the people are without a Leader. There is no one around whom they can rally, whom they can turn to as a friend, who will help them in their temporal perplexation, all the time