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has its missionaries today among this people.

The Oneidas, Onondagas, the Shawnees, and the Hurons had Meth. mission among them. Their successful operation was broken by the removal of these Indians. Unless one has seen mission houses, erected by the contributions of christian men, women, and children, abandomed, left to be torn assunder by the winds of the prairie, one can hardly realize, what a demoralizing effect removals have upon missionary enterprise. I have passed over the trail of an Indian removal, and seen the hastily made graves of those who dropped by the way, perchance the Christian cross standing side by side with the heathen pole and streamer, at one end of the trail, was the abandoned mission house, at the other hand, a blank unbroken waste! I recall one mission church that has been erected by christian contribution, in 3 different localities, all that could be transported of each little structure was carried away, to be put up again, but the abandoned