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letter [[different?]]

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       Nez Perce Agency  Idaho.

My dear Mr Allen,
   For the first time in my work I find myself so circumstanced that I am forced to [[strikethrough]] come [[/strikethrough]] appeal to you [[strikethrough]] for help and direction [[/strikethrough]] personally 
in order to secure justice to these people. Please don't mention this letter to any one unless it be Maj. Larrabee, for [[strikethrough]] I fear there are some queer things some where [[/strikethrough]] reasons which you will easily surmise.

  First: You recollect last Nov. Mr Osborne showed me the R.R. plats, and asked if I knew how the lines affected the Indians. The plats I saw were the corrected ones, those made after Mr O. had criticized the location of the Easement. I ans'd that I had been over all the ground staked out by the R.R. along the Clearwater, that the line & particularly the Easement cut up one or two allotees badly but possibly it could not be helped under the regulations. I had not been up the Potlatch and could not speak for that region. I then suggested that as Mr Briggs had surveyed all that valley knew all the Indian settlements along the proposed R.R. line that he be requested to report in conjunction with the Agent. To