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and at a minimum outlay.  Shops & trades can of course be planted here.  They so much depend on location.  I cannot but feel that a beneficent future lies here, not only for the Nez Perce, but for the Indians whose children would take higher studies & seek to know more of industries than can be secured in the usual reservation schools.  I think that the foundations of a useful school, one that may in years to come merge into a school for both Whites - Indians can be laid here.

Second: I am equally sure that if this foundation is to be laid none but your hands can lay it, for you have the courage and the skill, & the heart for it.

In what I have to say, I can of course give you only my own judgement of what I have seen.  I do not mean to offer advice, nor even go so far as to be thought as dictating in any way.  I want you to see with my eyes, and when you come you will be better able to discern matters and to form your judgement and decide your action.

For three months I have been quietly watching the working of schools and Agency.  I have not meddled, but noted facts.