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and the influence of the employees is bad & not good.  

I do not care to go into personal details concerning any employee.  The only persons needed at the Agency are the Agent, when duties are high, as these Indians are practically self-governing, and could be made to do this more intelligently.  The Agent is needed to issue the supplies of wire & farming implements, etc. to teach the Indians many practical things concerning government and civilized procedures, to uphold the [[?virtuous]] and industrious elements, and to repress those who lead the people astray.  The clerk attends to the office part of the work.  There is needed a farmer to assist the Indians in fencing on line and to supplement the [[strikethrough]] advice of the [[/strikethrough]] Agent in the work of getting the people on their allotments.  Further than these three men, none are needed.  More only open the [[?way]] the old system, which [[?ights]] and [[?]] [[?]] help.

There should be but one school on this reservation.  A school under the Agent, and one under a bonded Supt. can not work together.  They have not the past year and in the future they will [[?]].  There is a divided authority, and a divided interest that is an injury to the cause Education in the trible.