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but I must do him the justice to say, that what he did do, has been done honestly and well.

The telegram of Mr Sweet reporting the actions of the Department, and Spl. Agt. Parker's letter to the Agent announcing his orders to investigate my work were known in September to my force in the field, to the Agency Indians, and the interested parties, while I, busy in my camp, was ignorant of what was going on.  I know understand the intangible difficulties with which I have been contenting, they have been increasing ever since your order against the was perceived and horse-racing, and I do not wonder now at the disregard of your telegram which was sent to a few Indians on the 4 of July and as far as I can learn never again promulgated; (I refer to the request that Indians should attend to their allotments before going on the hunt.)  Nor, that there was hesitancy on the part of some Indians to take their land from me, when it was stated openly that my work would not stand, they prefered to wait for "the new Agent".

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