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of a roof was the tying on of the willow.  These were slender & springy.  They were put on at right angles to the rafter poles. 

[[image - sketch of a round roof over poles]]

Each willow was tied by a string of its inner bark.;   This was slow work.

Over the willows, bundles of grass [[?]] top were laid at right angles to the willows.

Over these grass-bundles - prairie sod! Then Earth thrown on & tamped solidly.

As to the lacing of the slats like basket work.  I do not remember any thing of the kind.  Neither does Francis.  I will write however and ask. They were not tied - unless there was something of the sort at the top.

This is the [[?]] of notes.  One never knows if one has all needed data until one works it out.  It seems to me that the slabs must have been laced top & bottom to hold in place - If they had been very closely laced as basket work, I would have noticed it.  I will write about this,