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The brightest of the girls [[strikethrough]] could [[/strikethrough]] can be fitted as teachers, or to become trained nurses.  For this [[strikethrough]] purpose [[/strikethrough]] reasons, a college course is not best, but a normal school training is essential.  As it opens the way directly into school room, & the [[?]] of [[?graduation]] is a [[?shy]] [[?conclusion]] [[strikethrough]] & others may become trained nurses [[strikethrough]]  It is doubtful if any commercial occupations will be possible or the [[?further]] [[strikethrough]] for these girls [[/strikethrough]] in Porto Rico.  [[strikethrough]] Those who do not teach [[/strikethrough]]  So that these girls [[strikethrough]] then [[/strikethrough]] must [[strikethrough]] find [[/strikethrough]] seek work along domestic lines.  [[strikethrough]] and very fiew of these are as yet open in Porto Rico, as y. [[/strikethrough]]  It is clear to me, that all of them [[strikethrough]] girls [[/strikethrough]] should be practically trained in household duties.  This knowledge will help them to be better teachers, home-makers, and mothers.  They should be shown how to live comfortably and to find happiness within moderate means.  All of which That will help them to meet their future conditions.

Thinking how the [[strikethrough]] future that [[/strikethrough]] condition [[strikethrough]] that awaits these girls [[/strikethrough]] in Porto Rico, [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] from what I personally know of the outcomes of "Outing System" I am inclined to think that they will derive more benefit thro. that [[strikethrough]] method [[/strikethrough]] system of training, than any other.  [[strikethrough]] In this way [[/strikethrough]]  They will come directly in contact with thrifty, economical, comfortable home-life, mingle with the neighbourhood children in the public schools.  Make their own
