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The Old Indian [[strikethrough]] has a tradition [[/strikethrough]] of the tribes have a tradition of which the Young Indian knows. (The Otoes the Omahas.)  that before they came - the land was inhabited by a large race with long heads pointed at the back. "passwicka"-  who had many tools that the Indians never had [[strikethrough]] were [[/strikethrough]] very clever - and were destroyed by flood that swept them away - 

Iron Eye found when a young man from 2 miles  Fort Randall near the river 1/4 bank (Nebraska- may now be washed away. The women & children digging wild turnips - when they came to a mass of bones -  the arms and legs were large & skulls Dolicocephalic - covered an acre or more over [[strikethrough]] many acres [[/strikethrough]] several feet deep.

Transcription Notes:
wes? west? Last [[?]]Dohcoceplister? wes = river, and Dohcoceplister = Dolicocephalic (misspelled - missing an h)