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She is said to have been very handsome. She hardly shows it now, but bears some traces perhaps in a certain springtime of manner, that betokens a past time when a woman was in an atmosphere of affection & was possessed of the power to please & make happy those around her. 

She was well cared for, had slaves to do her work, and  [[strikethrough]] servants [[/strikethrough]] an Interpreter to travel with her. Mr Sappe wanted to have her live in St Louis, he took her there once or twice & several times to the Rocky Mts when he was traveling.

When the daughter S's Martin married he wanted Laflesch to come there & live he tried it but was too lonesome & returned to Ind. life. S's Martin [[close?]] to her child & believed leaving the husband. & still clings & [[helps?]] with her little income.

Transcription Notes:
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