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Ma-loo-teta   Sam Leong.
No certificate - not enough to go [[down?]]

[?] this land

5 yrs ago. broke land and worked
Steadily on the land, but had nothing to work with.

Broke 8 acres - Agent gave plow
wouldn't give oxen. La Fleche lent a team so he got one. Agent would like him to come a certain day, he would be there, but never could get the oxen.  Agent had 15 or 20 yoke - Indians ask for them to kill & eat- Agent would not give them & now has but 2 yoke left.

Wheat - Seed from Agent - not good. Only six bushels  Sowed too thin  poor crop

Did not farm but worked for another man- farming  rec'd pony - he had no horses - Another man worked his farm

Had yoke of oxen from Agent- put in wheat - Seed from Agent - 8 bush. raised 36 bush.
a friend loaned team for reaping machine 

Transcription Notes:
thanks for the help! AW