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Built a house -(barrack ?) got sick & died - in Army 6 mos. Had a wife she died in a year after him - left no children - About 25 when he died. only Omaha who died.
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Soldiers brought the body the body to Agent [[?]] Furniss.  who said Little Soldier could get something - could speak English. Bellevue Mission. Hurt himself lifting logs - & bought him this side of Souix city where the Soldiers were [[crossout & written over]]. Sent letter saying he was dying. Little Soldier & his brother went up & he died- Wife lived with little Soldier.  Boy gave Little S. also a 5 dollar bill to pay their expences. It made him do much things to see them he thought he should get well. So Little S also lift- the boy pony to [[?]] them but the next [[?]] his body was brought to the dead.
The boy said that Little S [[?]] money for him- Little S missed the paper.