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(Two Crows.)

Kah - a Numba - Lewis Morris
No. 315.  N E. 1/4 of Section 34
in township 26.  North of Range 9 -
East of 6. Princepal Meridian
_ _ _ _ _ _ 

1873 or 4
8 yrs ago broke the land in this claim
about - 7 acres.
put wheat - veg - potatoe squash cabbage & onions beans 
used his own team of ponies got breaking plow from Agent -
70 bush wheat crop - & good vegetables and corn.
the next year the Winnebagos stole back his team so he could do no breaking.  
The ponies that were stolen from him were good strong ponies. never had damages. had a little pair of ponies he used it. (He tracked line of his horses.