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Long [[ago?]] they never had to think of any thing but their old ways of living.  He first began to work in Bellvue long before the land was sold Mr Hamilton knew.  He used to hire the Indian to work.  He made use of the money right away [[?]] he [[?]] a house he bought.  The work he used to do was farming & cutting wood, he saw the money was in the wood.  When they were in a village he cut the logs took the bark off & made the house himself.  Had a white man named John to fix the roof.  When he had a house he wanted stock & so bought a cow from this man John - bought pigs - used to farm on the bottom.  He [[?]] to [[?]] after a while & took more logs to the mill & Joe helped.  Some one bought his house & took the money & built another house.  When they moved on their claim if they [[worked?]] cut lumber & help build & that buyer would give them