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The concluding paragraph of Section 8 provides - "That 
"said Indians or any part of them may, if they shall so elect 
"select the land which shall be allotted to them in severalty 
"in any part of said reservation either east or west of said 
"right-of-way mentioned in  the first section of this act."

The allotments should be made in strict conformity to the foregoing, and for your more thorough guidance the following rules have been prepared, and will be observed, viz:

1st. The allotments should be made to conform to the lines of the public survey.

2nd. Let each allotment as far as possible include the lands and improvements already in possession of the allottee.

3rd. In cases where two or more Indians have each made improvements in such proximity to each other as to prevent the allotment of the full quantity to which they are entitled in one body to each of them, the smallest subdivisions of the survey (40 acres) within which their respective improvements are located, may been assigned to each of them, and a further quantity of land sufficient to make each of their several allotments aggregate the quantity to which the are severally entitled,may be assigned to them in some other portion of the reservation, as near to their improvements as practicable.