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and allotment of the lands in question. Several cases have been presented to this office for determination, where Indians have settled upon and improved lands previously assigned to others who have never occupied or improved the same.  All such cases can be properly adjusted under the express stipulations of the act as above quoted.

6th. Indians will be permitted to make their own selections. Heads of families are required to select for their minor children, and the Indian Agent will select for orphan children.

You will please ascertain whether any of the Indians desire to make their selections [[underlined]]west[[/underlined]] of the right-of-way of the Sioux City and Nebraska Railroad Company. It is important that their wishes in that respect be made known at once in order that the appraisement of the lands lying west of the railroad may be proceeded with, if deemed desirable, without waiting for the completion of the allotments. It is understood that none of the Indians desire to go west of the railroad, but as they are permitted to make their selections on either side of the railroad as they may elect, a positive