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10 The clan of mixed blood relatives of the Omaha Tribe have occupied considerable time, not only in taking the evidence offered, in attending Counsels [[strikethrough]] held [[/strikethrough]] with the Indians [[strikethrough]] upon [[/strikethrough]] held to consider these claims, but in preparting reports, correspondence &c. Some [[strikethrough]] of these [[/strikethrough]] cases have been very persistent but all are finally disposed of in accordance with the law governing these allotments. Having been instructed [[strikethrough]] to allot the land "as the law directs' and [[/strikethrough]] that "the Act of August 7, 1882 refers back to the Treaty of March 6 1865", which states that the mixed bloods then residing with the Omaha Tribe were entitled to land upon the Omaha Reservation, and to allot the land as the law directs" it was clearly my duty to exclude all mixed blood claimants who could not prove their claims by having had a certificate