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[[preprinted]] United States Indian Service, ^[[Omaha and Winnebago]] Agency, ^[[October 13"]], 188^[[3.]] [/preprinted]] We the Council men of the Omaha tribe of Indians hereby express and desire and consent that Louis Neal and his children, and John Pilcher and his children who were not with us in 1866, and have no certificates but who have lived with us several years be allowed allot-ments of lands under the Act of Congress approved August 7,1882. Pae-dae-go-hi, his X mark Ma-ae-go-hi, his X mark Ee-ba-hom-be, his X mark Shon-gae-ska, his X mark Du-ba-mon-ne, his X mark Wo-han-the-gae,his X mark Ka-hae-num-ba, his X mark Thin-dae-ha-ha,his X mark Shu-zin-ga, his X mark signed in the presence of, [[signed]]Madeline Scott[[/signed]] - Interpreter [[signed]]Frank La Flesch[[/signed]] - "[[ditto for Interpreter]] [[signed]]H.G. Wilkinson[[/signed]] - witness [[signed]]J H Babbitt[[/signed]] - "[[ditto for witness]] The foregoing was signed in my presence at the close of a council during which the subject received careful consideration. [[signed]]A.C. Fletcher[[/signed]] Special U.S. Indian Agent.