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^[[3]] and quite a number speak it ^[[well]] enough to deal with the common things of life. Few however have sufficient knowledge of the [[?]] languages to in respect, when [[strikethrough]] any matter [[/strikethrough]] the subject involves thought, or accuracy of statement. [[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]] There area about 255 families [[strikethrough]] that are in actual status as families [[/strikethrough]] in the tribe. Every one of these [[strikethrough]] families [[/strikethrough]] have land under cultivation. The farms vary from 100 acres down to about 5 or 7 - of the latter size there are but few, the majority of the people have [[strikethrough]] over [[/strikethrough]] at least 15 acres under cultivation: [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] there are many farms of from 20 to 40 acres, and the number of those who have 40 & over is increasing each year. One man who is not [[strikethrough]] one among of [[/strikethrough]] the largest farmers raised 1800 bushels of corn, beside wheat and vegetables year before last. Last year the season was too wet for a good corn crop, & a severe hail storm which swept over a portion of the [[?Reo]] left [[strikethrough]] many [[/strikethrough]] those