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articles & services provided for them at the Agency.  They have learned to drive good bargains & that it is an advantage to trade where there is some competition.  [[strikethrough]]  The influence of the employers is at a turning point, where the good id diminishing, & evil are growing about the system, and the pettyness of office is making itself felt. [[/strikethrough]]  And I [[strikethrough]] cannot but [[/strikethrough]] believe that the people [[strikethrough]] now [[/strikethrough]] would progress more rapidly [[strikethrough]] were they [[/strikethrough]] & avoid its evils necessarily connected with a particular [[extent]] of the employer system in their interest if they were thrown upon their [[strikethrough]] & their as far as the work of Employers is concerned. [[/strikethrough]] own resources as far as the [[?sti]] now provided by the Govt are concerned.  [[strikethrough]] Many times [[/strikethrough]] the [[strikethrough]] people men [[/strikethrough]] men singly & in groups have talked with me many times on this [[strikethrough]] point singly & in groups [[/strikethrough]] subject and they have always [[strikethrough]] they [[/strikethrough]] disclaimed any [[strikethrough]] personal [[/strikethrough]] criticism of the [[strikethrough]] persons [[/strikethrough]] individual employer, - they [[strikethrough]] strength [[/strikethrough]] said they attacked the offices of employers [[strikethrough]] unjust [[/strikethrough]] not the holder of office.

If [[?only]] the Employee system among the O's be [[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]] abolished, several questions as to the disposal of [[strikethrough]] shops &c. they [[/strikethrough]] the building & appliances now in as providing of needful particular lands upon the Reservation at once occur.  As far as the Omahas are concerned, it seems to me that if the present shops & mill could be rented to such Indian