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[[strikethrough]] The [[/strikethrough]] total number of acres allotted on the Reservation, 76.809. 68/100 of these 878 60/100 acres were allotted west of the Sioux city and Nebraska R.R. upon that portion of the Reserve since opened to White settlement. The present area of the Omaha Reservation [[strikethrough]] East of the Sioux city R. R. is [[/strikethrough]] is 131.380 85/100 Allotted within that limit [[strikethrough]] of this acres are allotted. [[/strikethrough]] 75.931 08/100. having acres unallotted 55.449. 77/100 [[strikethrough]] being acres unallotted to be deeded to the Tribe for the benefit of children born after the completion of this work. [[/strikethrough]] 

At the close of the allotments and prior to the distribution of the Certificates the Counsel men were called together, and the entire list of allotments read over to them, the [[strikethrough]] numbered [[/strikethrough]] plats [[strikethrough]] being [[/strikethrough]] were spread [[strikethrough]] before them [[/strikethrough]] and the allotted & unallotted portions of the land pointed out, and the number of acres given. The