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^[[11]] that these Judges can be made useful in the circumstances lately to follow so great an increase of independence among the people. [[strikethrough]] To the [[/strikethrough]] It would be of [[strikethrough]] great [[/strikethrough]] advantage [[strikethrough]] to the people who [[/strikethrough]] if a simple area of land were drawn up which should be in harmony with the laws of the State of Nebraska, as to crimes & penalties &c and that the three Judges should instructed to use their code [[strikethrough]] as a guide to their decisions punishments etc. [[/strikethrough]] to govern their official action. The task would not be [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] difficult [[strikethrough]] one [[/strikethrough]] to perform & the influence of [[strikethrough]] the introduction of [[/strikethrough]] abstract law, rather than [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] personal dictum in [[?]], would be of [[strikethrough]] great [[/strikethrough]] substantial value in lifting up the people & placing them upon a higher social level [[strikethrough]] socially. Should In In any event the Judges ought to be paid for they [[/strikethrough]] The Judges are placed at grave disadvantage by the present arrangements of forcing them to render gratuitous services and should their duties be increased in some such way as is here